Our Childcare Subsidy Calculator helps you get an idea of your Child Care Subsidy payment amount from the Australian Government so you know your out-of-pocket child care costs.
Childcare Subsidy
From 10 July 2023, the Commonwealth Government Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is making high-quality early education and care more affordable for Australian families.
Our Childcare Subsidy Calculator helps you get an idea of your current Child Care Subsidy payment amount from the Australian Government so you know your out-of-pocket child care costs.
Keep in mind that the Calculator is only an estimation and the accuracy of the results depend on the accuracy of your answers.
Similarly, it does not take into account certain situations, including:
- if you are repaying any money to Centrelink, or have had your payment reduced, or;
- the assets test, or;
- if you are paid under a Social Security Agreement, or;
- if you are overseas.
If you have any questions about the subsidy, calculator or our fees, please don’t
hesitate to contact us.